Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Does anyone know why Lowly Worm does not appear in all of Richard Scarry's books about Busy Town?

Lowly has a modeling gig; every time that you see a photo or image that features a worm in an apple, that's him! He's pretty busy jetting around the world for gigs, so he can't always make the taping of the show.

...either that, or he has to spend a lot of time at the tailor's, getting sleeves removed and pants cut down to one leg. Here's another question; does he wear a right or left shoe? Or do busy town shoe stores have shoes available in 'left' 'right', and 'worm'?

-EDoes anyone know why Lowly Worm does not appear in all of Richard Scarry's books about Busy Town?
It is FUNNY!!Does anyone know why Lowly Worm does not appear in all of Richard Scarry's books about Busy Town?
Maybe he got tired of the other illustrators making fun of him for having a worm as the main character of every drawing for the last 30 years.

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